Friday, November 24, 2006


Yesterday as I was stuffing myself at both my family's get-together and at my in-laws, I couldn't help but think about a family my sister (a vice-principal here in Indy) told me about this summer. This was the family's first Thanksgiving, and I'm sure they have a lot to be thankful for. This family came from Malawi, and two of their children are at my sister's school (in fact neither child, a boy and girl, had ever been to school). No one in the family speaks English, or at least none did until the kids went to school, and according to my sister they are soaking everything up like little sponges. They are being helped by the surrounding community and I believe have been able to find work and are beginning to hopefully live their American dream. A true Thanksgiving story a move from a refugee camp to Indianapolis.

I will try and follow along with their progress through my sister and post updates. Its really inspiring to hear about brave people like this!

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