Thursday, December 28, 2006

My $25 Experiment Update

Here is the newest journal entry about Christine's Business

Christine is so happy and feels loved alot.
Her business is now big and operating as a clinic now not a drug shop again.
The loan she got helped her alot improve on the stock that now she is having all the necessary requirements of a clinic.

Thanks alot dear lenders and may the Lord God bless you for helping the needy improve on their business like Christine.


Posted by Janet Alupot from Mbale, Uganda
December 26, 2006, 11:46 pm PST

Please visit and make a loan. To follow along with the Christine's business click here.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas at the Emergency Vet...Update.

Molly Dog went to her vet yesterday and got good news, she only has a bladder infection. So she was able to come home and open her presents of doggie toys and rawhide bones. Thank you to everyone who prayed for Molly!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas at the Emergency Vet

Yesterday, Tom (my husband) and I spent most of Christmas evening at the emergency vet with our little girl Molly. She has some sort of kidney infection, and we don't know exactly what kind of bacteria is making her sick.

I have to say spending 4 hours at the vet's office isn't my idea of a great Christmas, but my Molly girl is worth it and hopefully she'll be on the mend soon.

I feel weird asking for people to pray for a dog, but she is more than just a dog to us, she is our family. So please pray for Molly.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

My $25 experiment...Update

I received an email today letting me know that Christine's loan money has been disbursed to her.
Thank you for your loan. It has been disbursed to Christine Akia by Women Initiative to Eradicate Poverty in Uganda. We are excited to watch this business grow. Over the next 9 - 14 months, Women Initiative to Eradicate Poverty will be collecting repayments from this entrepreneur and posting progress updates on the Kiva website.

You can follow along and watch Christine's business grow here. If you would like to make a loan please visit

More updates to come.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Can the Supreme Court make the EPA regulate carbon dioxide

The substantive issue can be framed several different ways, here are two:
1) Does the EPA have the power to regulate carbon dioxide?

2) Is carbon dioxide a pollutant as defined by the Clean Air Act?

However, the more fundamental issue is whether the parties suing the EPA even have the "standing" (or the right) to sue. I'm not going to bore everyone with a dissertation on Administrative law or Constitutional law...but....To have standing a suing party must be able to show there is a specific harm and they (the suing party) where harmed. The difficult argument that the plaintiffs are trying to argue is that EPA's failure to regulate carbon dioxide emissions has harmed their environment (the environment in which the parties live not the environment generally). Basically, the plaintiff is going to have to show that BUT FOR the failure of the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide some harm would not have happened. I think this is a tall order for the plaintiffs, but not impossible.

Even if the Plaintiffs are able to show standing (like I said hard but not impossible). I think it will be hard for the Supreme Court to make the EPA effectively regulate carbon dioxide. The Court is not in business of making regulations, they can tell the EPA to go regulate but the EPA can then make up what ever regulations its wants.

Personally, I think this law suit is mainly a lobbying tool. The best option is to have Congress change the Clean Air Act to explicitly define carbon dioxide as a pollutant. Also, Congress doesn't like it when the Supreme Court steps on its toes. But again this is just my opinion.